Giving Options
There are many different ways to support our church and its community outreach.
Our Collection Plate
At Westside Unitarian Universalist Church, we take a collection during both services. We donate 100% of the loose plate money raised from Sunday morning worship to local charities, so that our collection plate serves the community. As with many faith traditions, giving to charity is a core aspect of, and in keeping with, our UU values. However, members and visitors may also choose to designate their offering for the church by putting it inside the envelopes provided.
Every Westside UU member is asked to give what they can — their time, talent, and/or treasure — to support our church’s operation and programs. Members may make a one-time donation for causes, projects, and other needs that the church supports. And they are asked to pledge their financial support for our church annually via a stewardship campaign.
Endowment Fund
Members can support the long-term health of the church by contributing to our Endowment Fund. The investment and distribution of the fund are guided by our Endowment Distribution and Investment Policy. The Endowment Fund exists to ensure the future wellbeing of the congregation, as well as providing funds for extraordinary or unexpected expenses. During trying times like this pandemic, the need for a strong Endowment Fund stands out. With your help, Westside UU can weather the storms of today or tomorrow, and continue to serve our congregation and the greater community. Donations can be made to one of three funds, all of which require congregational approval for disbursement:
- Perpetual Fund -Fund principal is held in perpetuity.
- Building Fund - Distributions from this fund must be used for land or building-related purposes only.
- Flexible Fund - Distributions from this fund may be used for a variety of purposes.
Now giving to the Endowment is even easier. You may fill out a donation form and send it in with your payment to our church office, give online or through the GivePlus app, or remember Westside UU in your estate planning.
Westside UU Endowment Fund is also now registered with Amazon Smile, Kroger Community Rewards, and Tom Thumb’s Good Neighbor Program. When you open an account at any of these and set Westside as your charity of choice, Westside UU's Endowment can receive a donation at no cost to you each time you shop. If you shop at any of these merchants, please sign up today. You can find more information and sign up at the following links:
1. Kroger
2. Tom Thumb Enter Charity# 14213
You can print the Tom Thumb form and give it to Customer Service at your store, or print it, fill it out, then copy or scan it into an email and send to
For more information, visit this Endowment Giving Guide or email the Endowment Committee.
Give Online
Give online using our secure form. You can donate as part of your pledge, to our endowment fund, a one time gift or even to our plate offering that goes to a local charity.
Donate by App
Westside can now receive donations through the Vanco Mobile App. With Vanco Mobile, you can quickly and easily give to the church using your smartphone. Donations can be made with a credit or debit card. You can contribute as a guest user, or you can set up an account with will allow for recurring donations and allow you to view your giving history. Vanco Mobile is a safe, secure way to make online donations to Westside!
Simply download the App from the Google Play or Apple Store and search for Westside Unitarian.
Donation Form
Fill out a donation form and provide it with your donation to either the Financial Secretary, place in the Treasurer’s Inbox at the church or mail to Westside Unitarian Universalist Church